Honour Board

Executive Committee

President Secretary Treasurer Training and Events Coordinator VET
Libraries Australia (VLA) Delegate
MIG Convenor Ordinary Members
2025 Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
Graham Massey
Wodonga TAFE
Daniel Radford
Bendigo Kangan Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
CASS and LIT merged
Name change to Training and Events Committee (TEC)
Margherita Meeking
Holmesglen Institute
——– Dana Perryman
Melbourne Polytechnic

Simon Heard
Chisholm Institute

2024 Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE

Sandra Curtis
The Gordon
Graham Massey
Wodonga TAFE

Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
Daniel Radford
Bendigo Kangan Institute
Cataloguing, Acquisitions, Serials and Systems (CASS) Convenor

Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Liaison, Information and Training (LIT) Convenor

Naomi Ferguson

Holmesglen Institute
Margherita Meeking
Holmesglen Institute
2023 Sandra Curtis
The Gordon
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
Lesa Maclean
Victoria University
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Margherita Meeking
Holmesglen Institute
Name change to VET Libraries Australia (VLA)
2022 Sandra Curtis
TAFE Gippsland
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Reenie Ambrose
Chisholm Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
VET Libraries Advisory Committee (VLAC)

Margherita Meeking
Holmesglen Institute
2021 Sandra Curtis
TAFE Gippsland
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Jill Perkins
Box Hill Institute
Lynette Stanyer
Bendigo Kangan Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2020 Sandra Curtis
TAFE Gippsland
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Jill Perkins
Box Hill Institute
Lynette Stanyer
Bendigo Kangan Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2019 Graham Rowe
Melbourne Polytechnic
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Jill Perkins
Box Hill Institute
Robyn Burnett
Chisholm Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2018 Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Jill Perkins
Box Hill Institute
Lynette Stanyer
Bendigo Kangan Institute
Naomi Ferguson
Holmesglen Institute
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2017 Zita Youens
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Jill Perkins
Box Hill Institute

Sharon Stewart

William Angliss Institute
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Michael Huang
Melbourne Polytechnic
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2016 Zita Youens
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Sharon Stewart
William Angliss Institute
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Michael Huang
Melbourne Polytechnic

Bec Karge

Kangan Institute
Brenda Burr
Wodonga TAFE
2015 Zita Youens
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Sharon Stewart
William Angliss Institute
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Bec Karge
Kangan Institute
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Managers Interest Group
2014 Angelo Gasparini
Kangan Institute
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Rachel Neumann
Sunraysia Institute of TAFE
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Samantha Helfrich
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Angelo Gasparini
Kangan Institute
2013 Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Leanne Meere
Swinburne University
Frances O’Neil
Victoria University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Christine Ruddy
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Angelo Gasparini
Kangan Institute
Anthea Taylor

Gordon Institute of TAFE
2012 Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Nancy Seeger
Swinburne University
Frances O’Neil
Victoria University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Christine Ruddy
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Anthea Taylor
Gordon Institute of TAFE
2011 Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
Gail Bray
Kangan Batman Institute of TAFE
Heather Coutts
Swinburne University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Dave Bradley
Jim Badger
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Anthea Taylor
Gordon Institute of TAFE
2010 Zita Youens
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
Fran Dodd
Heather Coutts
Swinburne University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Amy Saunders
Chisholm Institute
Jim Badger
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
2009 Zita Youens
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
Fran Dodd
Heather Coutts
Swinburne University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Amy Saunders
Chisholm Institute
Jim Badger
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Paul Kloppenborg
William Angliss Institute
2008 Zaana Howard
Heather Coutts
Swinburne University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Amy Saunders
Chisholm Institute
Kay Weaver
East Gippsland TAFE
Name change to Liaison, Information and Training (LIT)
Philip Kent
Victoria University
2007 Annette Sullivan
RMIT University
Fran Dodd
Jenny McIntyre
Annette Sullivan
RMIT University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Kathleen Dauska
TAFE Reference Interest Group (TRIG)

Amy Saunders
Chisholm Institute
Kay Weaver
East Gippsland TAFE
Gary Hardy
Kangan Batman TAFE
2006 Annette Sullivan
RMIT University
Jenny McIntyre
Jenny Fafeita
Kangan Batman TAFE
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Kathleen DauskaNMIT
Jenny Fafeita
Kangan Batman TAFE
Gary Hardy
Kangan Batman TAFE
2005 Bea Donkin
Swinburne University
Jenny McIntyre
Annette Sullivan
RMIT University
Colin Sutherland
Chisholm Institute
Kathleen Dauska
Carmel Grant
Ballarat University
Jennifer Eddy
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Name change to Cataloguing, Acquisitions, Serials and Systems (CASS)
2004 Luanne Thornton
Gordon Institute of TAFE
Annette Sullivan
RMIT University
TAFE Acquisitions Group (TAG)
Luanne Thornton
Gordon Institute of TAFE
2003 Luanne Thornton
Gordon Institute of TAFE
Anne Callahan
Heather Coutts
Swinburne University
Bea Donkin
Swinburne University
Bea Donkin
Swinburne University
2002 Luanne Thornton
Gordon Institute of TAFE
Bea Donkin
Swinburne University
Anne Callahan
Kathleen Dauska
Brenda Burr
Swinburne University
2001 Bea Donkin
Swinburne University
2000 Wendi Greenaway
William Angliss Institute of TAFE
(Name change to VATL)
Doreen Parker
Victoria University of Technology
Luanne Thornton
Gordon Institute of TAFE
Leonie Pope
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
1999 Leonie Pope
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Doreen Parker
Victoria University of Technology
Wendi Greenaway
William Angliss Institute of TAFE
1995 Marion King
Holmesglen College of TAFE
Jim Badger
Peninsula College of TAFE
Karen Cairns
Western Metropolitan College of TAFE
Linda Buxton
William Angliss College of TAFE
1993 Diana Harrison Michael Gavan
1992 Diana Harrison Michael Gavan
1989 Fran Heggarty Martin Kelly Taisoo Kim Watson
1988 Tim Clubb
1987 Tim Clubb Pat Stewart Rose Humphries
(Executive member)
Antonia George
(Executive member)
1986 Rose Humphries Tim Clubb Don Ruddick
(Executive member)
Jo Gregory
(Executive member)
Pat Stewart
(Executive member)
1985 Rose Humphries Tim Bruwer Don Ruddick
(Executive member)
Marion Taylor
(Executive member)
John Van Dreven
(Executive member)
1984 Don Ruddick Rose Humphries Bev Kirby
(Executive member)
Adrian Shaw
(Executive member)
Jim Badger
(Executive member)
1983 Don Ruddick Julie Ager Bev Kirby
(Executive member)
Adrian Shaw
(Executive member)
Jim Badger
(Executive member)
1982 Bev Kirby Julie Ager Jan Bennellick
(Executive member)
Adrian Shaw
(Executive member)
1981 Bev Kirby Don Ruddick Heather Peddlesden
(Executive member)
Marion Taylor
(Executive member)
Evelyn Deane-Freeman
(Executive member)
1980 Evelyn Deane-Freeman
Whitehorse Technical College
(Executive established
Marion Taylor
(Executive member)
Elizabeth Harkness
(Executive member)
Bev Kirby
(Executive member)
1979 Evelyn Deane-Freeman
Whitehorse Technical College
Lesley McBeath
Box Hill Technical College
1978 Marion Taylor
Caulfield Institute of Technology
Jan Bennelick
Footscray Technical College/
Joan Johnson
Footscray Technical College
Joan Johnson
Footscray Technical College
1977 Marion Taylor
Caulfield Institute of Technology
Ros Collins
Whitehorse Technical College
1976 Judith Doig
Ros Collins
Whitehorse Technical College
1975 Judith Doig
Con Demopoulos
Frankston Technical College
1974 Pat Stewart
Preston Technical College
1972 Pat Stewart
Preston Technical College